S.No | Name of the IEEE Journal |
1 | Access, IEEE |
2 | Advanced Packaging, IEEE Transactions on |
3 | Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, IEEE |
4 | Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on |
5 | Affective Computing, IEEE Transactions on |
6 | Annals of the History of Computing, IEEE |
7 | Antennas and Propagation Magazine, IEEE |
8 | Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on |
9 | Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE |
10 | Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on |
11 | Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE Transactions on |
12 | Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE/ACM Transactions on |
13 | Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on |
14 | AutomaticaSinica, IEEE/CAA Journal of |
15 | Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on |
16 | Autonomous Mental Development, IEEE Transactions on |
17 | Big Data, IEEE Transactions on |
18 | Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Journal of |
19 | Biomedical Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on |
20 | Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Reviews in |
21 | Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on |
22 | Broadcasting, IEEE Transactions on |
23 | Circuits and Devices Magazine, IEEE |
24 | Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on |
25 | Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, IEEE Transactions on |
26 | Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions on |
27 | Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on |
28 | Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, IEEE Transactions on |
29 | Circuits and Systems Magazine, IEEE |
30 | Cloud Computing, IEEE |
31 | Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on |
32 | Cognitive and Developmental Systems, IEEE Transactions on |
33 | Cognitive Communications and Networking, IEEE Transactions on |
34 | Communications Letters, IEEE |
35 | Communications Magazine, IEEE |
36 | Communications Standards Magazine, IEEE |
37 | Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE |
38 | Communications, China |
39 | Communications, IEEE Transactions on |
40 | Components and Packaging Technologies, IEEE Transactions on |
41 | Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, IEEE Transactions on |
42 | Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part A, IEEE Transactions on |
43 | On Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part B: Advanced Packaging,IEEE Transactions |
44 | Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part C, IEEE Transactions on |
45 | Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, IEEE/ACM Transactions on |
46 | Computational Imaging, IEEE Transactions on |
47 | Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, IEEE Transactions on |
48 | Computational Intelligence Magazine, IEEE |
49 | Computational Science & Engineering, IEEE |
50 | Computational Social Systems, IEEE Transactions on |
51 | Computer |
52 | Computer Applications in Power, IEEE |
53 | Computer Architecture Letters |
54 | Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE |
55 | Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on |
56 | Computers, IEEE Transactions on |
57 | Computing in Science & Engineering |
58 | Concurrency, IEEE |
59 | Consumer Electronics Magazine, IEEE |
60 | Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on |
61 | Control of Network Systems, IEEE Transactions on |
62 | Control Systems Letters, IEEE |
63 | Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on |
64 | Control Systems, IEEE |
65 | Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on |
66 | Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on |
67 | Design & Test of Computers, IEEE |
68 | Design & Test, IEEE |
69 | Device and Materials Reliability, IEEE Transactions on |
70 | Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on |
71 | Display Technology, Journal of |
72 | Distributed Systems Online, IEEE |
73 | Education, IEEE Transactions on |
74 | Electrical Insulation Magazine, IEEE |
75 | Electrification Magazine, IEEE |
76 | Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine, IEEE |
77 | Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on |
78 | Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, IEEE Journal of |
79 | Electron Device Letters, IEEE |
80 | Electron Devices Society, IEEE Journal of the |
81 | Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on |
82 | Electronics Packaging Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on |
83 | Embedded Systems Letters, IEEE |
84 | Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, IEEE Journal on |
85 | Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, IEEE Journal of |
86 | Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on |
87 | Emerging Topics in Computing, IEEE Transactions on |
88 | Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on |
89 | Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, IEEE |
90 | Engineering Management Review, IEEE |
91 | Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on |
92 | Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on |
93 | Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on |
94 | Games, IEEE Transactions on |
95 | Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE |
96 | Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, IEEE |
97 | Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on |
98 | Green Communications and Networking, IEEE Transactions on |
99 | Haptics, IEEE Transactions on |
100 | Human-Machine Systems, IEEE Transactions on |
101 | Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on |
102 | Industrial Electronics Magazine, IEEE |
103 | Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on |
104 | Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on |
105 | Industry Applications Magazine, IEEE |
106 | Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on |
107 | Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on |
108 | Information Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on |
109 | Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on |
110 | Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, IEEE |
111 | Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on |
112 | Intelligent Systems and their Applications, IEEE |
113 | Intelligent Systems, IEEE |
114 | Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, IEEE |
115 | Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on |
116 | Intelligent Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on |
117 | Internet Computing, IEEE |
118 | Internet of Things Journal, IEEE |
119 | Internet of Things Magazine, IEEE |
120 | IT Professional |
121 | Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on |
122 | Learning Technologies, IEEE Transactions on |
123 | Lightwave Technology, Journal of |
124 | Magnetics Letters, IEEE |
125 | Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on |
126 | Mechatronics, IEEE/ASME Transactions on |
127 | Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on |
128 | Micro, IEEE |
129 | Microelectromechanical Systems, Journal of |
130 | Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, IEEE |
131 | Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE |
132 | Microwave Magazine, IEEE |
133 | Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on |
134 | Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on |
135 | Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, IEEE Transactions on |
136 | Multi-Scale Computing Systems, IEEE Transactions on |
137 | MultiMedia, IEEE |
138 | Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on |
139 | Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, IEEE Journal on |
140 | NanoBioscience, IEEE Transactions on |
141 | Nanotechnology Magazine, IEEE |
142 | Nanotechnology, IEEE Transactions on |
143 | Network and Service Management, IEEE Transactions on |
144 | Network Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on |
145 | Network, IEEE |
146 | Networking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on |
147 | Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on |
148 | Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on |
149 | Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Transactions on |
150 | Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on |
151 | Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of |
152 | Optical Communications and Networking, IEEE/OSA Journal of |
153 | Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on |
154 | Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on |
155 | Personal Communications, IEEE |
156 | Pervasive Computing, IEEE |
157 | Photonics Journal, IEEE |
158 | Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE |
159 | Photovoltaics, IEEE Journal of |
160 | Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on |
161 | Power and Energy Magazine, IEEE |
162 | Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on |
163 | Power Electronics Letters, IEEE |
164 | Power Electronics Magazine, IEEE |
165 | Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on |
166 | Power Engineering Review, IEEE |
167 | Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on |
168 | Professional Communication, IEEE Transactions on |
169 | Pulse, IEEE |
170 | Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of |
171 | Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, IEEE Transactions on |
172 | Radio Frequency Identification, IEEE Journal of |
173 | Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Transactions on |
174 | Reliability, IEEE Transactions on |
175 | Robotics & Automation Magazine, IEEE |
176 | Robotics and Automation Letters, IEEE |
177 | Robotics and Automation, IEEE Transactions on |
178 | Robotics, IEEE Transactions on |
179 | Security & Privacy, IEEE |
180 | Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on |
181 | Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of |
182 | Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of |
183 | Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Journal of |
184 | Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on |
185 | Sensors Journal, IEEE |
186 | Sensors Letters, IEEE |
187 | Services Computing, IEEE Transactions on |
188 | Signal and Information Processing over Networks, IEEE Transactions on |
189 | Signal Processing Letters, IEEE |
190 | Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE |
191 | Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on |
192 | Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on |
193 | Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on |
194 | Software, IEEE |
195 | Solid-State Circuits Letters, IEEE |
196 | Solid-State Circuits Magazine, IEEE |
197 | Solid-State Circuits Society Newsletter, IEEE |
198 | Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of |
199 | Speech and Audio Processing, IEEE Transactions on |
200 | Sustainable Computing, IEEE Transactions on |
201 | Sustainable Energy, IEEE Transactions on |
202 | Systems Journal, IEEE |
203 | Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, IEEE Transactions on |
204 | Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine, IEEE |
205 | Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on |
206 | Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, IEEE Transactions on |
207 | Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE Transactions on |
208 | Technology and Society Magazine, IEEE |
209 | Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, IEEE RevistaIberoamericana de |
210 | Terahertz Science and Technology, IEEE Transactions on |
211 | Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, IEEE Journal of |
212 | Transportation Electrification, IEEE Transactions on |
213 | Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, IEEE Transactions on |
214 | Vehicular Technology Magazine, IEEE |
215 | Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on |
216 | Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE Transactions on |
217 | Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on |
218 | Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE |
219 | Wireless Communications, IEEE |
220 | Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on |
S.No | Name of the Journal | Frq | S.No | Name of the Journal | Frq |
1 | IETE Journals of Education | HY | 48 | Information Technology | Q |
2 | IETE Jr of Technical Review | BM | 49 | International Relations | Q |
3 | IETE Journals of Research | BM | 50 | English Studies | Q |
4 | Jr on Future Engineering & Technology | Q | 51 | Law Review | Q |
5 | Jr on Software Engineering | Q | 52 | Case Folio | Q |
6 | Jr on Electrical Engineering | Q | 53 | Indian Journal of Marketing | M |
7 | Jr on Electronics Engineering | Q | 54 | Prabhandhan :Indian Jr of Management | M |
8 | Jr on Computer Science | Q | 55 | Arthshastra : Indian Jr of Economics & Research | Bi M |
9 | Jr on Mechanical Engineering | Q | 56 | Indian Journal of Finance | M |
10 | Jr on Information Technology | Q | 57 | Indian Jr of Research in Capital Markets | M |
11 | Jr on Structural Engineering | Q | 58 | Indian Journal of Computer Science | Bi M |
12 | Jr on Power systems Engineering | Q | 59 | AMC Indian Journal of Entrepreneurship | Q |
13 | Jr on Material Science | Q | 60 | AMC Indian Journal of Civil Engineering | H |
14 | Jr on Civil Engineering | Q | 61 | Signals and Telecommunication Journal | H |
15 | Jr on Image Processing | Q | 62 | Progress in Computing Applications | H |
16 | Jr on Mobile Applications &Tech | H | 63 | Progress in Machines and Systems | H |
17 | Jr on Embedded Systems | H | 64 | Progress in Machine Design | H |
18 | Jr on Cloud Computing | H | 65 | Transactions on Machine Design | H |
19 | Jr on Communication Engg & Systems | H | 66 | Information Security Education Journal | H |
20 | Jr on Wireless Communication Networks | H | 67 | Progress in Signals and Telecommunication Engineering | H |
21 | Jr on Instrumentation and Control Engg | H | 68 | Journal of Science and Technology Metrics | H |
22 | Jr on Circuits &Systems | H | 69 | Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry | Q |
23 | Jr on Digital Signal Processing | H | 70 | International Journal of Technology | Q |
24 | Jr on Mathematics | H | 71 | Research Journal of Engineering and Technology | Q |
25 | Jr on Pattern Recognition | H | 72 | Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences | Q |
26 | Accounting Reserch&Audit Practices | Q | 73 | Research Journal of Science and Technology | Q |
27 | Applied Finance | Q | 74 | DESIDOC Journal of Library & Info Technology | Bi M |
28 | Corporate Governance | Q | 75 | Defence Science Journal | Bi M |
29 | Knowledge Management | Q | 76 | Tele.net | M |
30 | Management Research | Q | 77 | IEEMA Journal | M |
31 | Organizational Behavior | Q | 78 | Motor India | M |
32 | Applied Economics | Q | 79 | Civil Engg &Construction Review | M |
33 | Bank Management | Q | 80 | Indian Concrete Journal | M |
34 | Marketing Management | Q | 81 | IIMB Management Review | Q |
35 | Operations Management | Q | 82 | Prajnan: Journal of Social and Management Sciences | Q |
36 | Brand Management | Q | 83 | Kurukshetra | M |
37 | Business Strategy | Q | 84 | Current Science | F N |
38 | Effective Executive | Q | 85 | Indian Jr of Pure & Applied Mathematics | Q |
39 | Entrepreneurship Development | Q | 86 | Joural of the Ramanujam Mathematical Society(Direct) | HY |
40 | Financial Risk Management | Q | 87 | Resonance – Jr of Science Education | M |
41 | Soft Skillis | Q | 88 | Careers 360 | M |
42 | Supply Chain Management | Q | 89 | Down To Earth | FN |
43 | Computer Science | Q | 90 | Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology | H |
44 | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Q | 91 | Shastra | Bi M |
45 | Structural Engineering | Q | 92 | GK Today | M |
46 | Mechanical Engg | Q | 93 | Yojana(English) | M |
47 | Telecommunications | Q | 94 | AARO Journal | H |
S.No | Name of the Journal | Frq | S.No | Name of the Journal | Frq |
95 | Advances in Applied Research | H | 131 | Competition Success review | M |
96 | Arya Bhatta Journal of | H | 132 | Linux For you | M |
Mathematics and Informatics | |||||
97 | BULMIM Journal of Management and Research | H | 133 | Journal of Water Resources and Pollution Studies | TA |
98 | CIGRE India Journal | H | 134 | Journal of Geotechnical Studies | TA |
99 | Global Sci Tech | H | 135 | Journal of Ceramics and Concrete Sciences | TA |
100 | Gyankosh -The Journal of Library and Information Management | H | 136 | Journal of Construction and Building Material Engineering | TA |
101 | GYANODAYA -The Journal of Progressive Education | H | 137 | Journal of Instrumentation and Innovation Sciences | TA |
102 | IASH Journal-International Association for Small Hudro | H | 138 | Journal of Control and Instrumentation Engineering | TA |
103 | IITM Journal of Management and IT | H | 139 | Journal of Controller and Converters | TA |
104 | INCOLD Journal | H | 140 | Journal of Electrical Power Systems Engineering | TA |
(Technical Journal of Indian Committee on Large Dams) | |||||
105 | Indian Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Improvement | H | 141 | Journal of Digital Integrated Cirvuits in Electrical Devices | TA |
106 | Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics | H | 142 | Journal of Electronic Design Engineering | TA |
107 | INROADS -An International Journal of | H | 143 | Journal of Control System and Control Instrumentation | TA |
Jaipur National University | |||||
108 | Inverties Journal of Management | Q | 144 | Journal of Electronics and Communication Systems | TA |
109 | Invertis Journal of Renewable Energy | Q | 145 | Journal of Embedded Systems and Processing | TA |
110 | Inverties Journal of Science and Technology | Q | 146 | Journal of Analog and Digital Devices | TA |
111 | ISRM(India) Journal | H | 147 | Journal of Analog and Digital Communications | TA |
112 | IWARA (India)Journal | H | 148 | Journal of Communication engineering and its Innovations | TA |
113 | JIMS8M the Journal of Indian Management &Strategy | Q | 149 | Journal of Remote Sensing GIS &Technology | TA |
114 | Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development | H | 150 | Journal of Telecommunication Study | TA |
115 | Journal of Global Communication | H | 151 | Journal of Optical Communication Electronics | TA |
116 | Library Hearld | Q | 152 | Journal of Switching Hub | TA |
117 | Mass Communicator:International Journal of Communication Studies | H | 153 | Journal of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources | TA |
118 | Motifs: A Peer Reviewed International Journal of English Studies | H | 154 | Journal of Mechanical and Mechanics Engineering | TA |
119 | NDCWWC Journal | H | 155 | Journal of Industrial Mechanics | TA |
120 | Parikalpana KIIT Journal of Management | H | 156 | Journal of Thermal Energy Systems | TA |
121 | Power Engineer Journals | H | 157 | Journal of Mecanical Robotics | TA |
122 | Smart Journal of Business Management Studies | H | 158 | Journal of Network Security Computer Networks | TA |
123 | TAI Journal | H | 159 | Journal of Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence | TA |
124 | World Digital Libraries -An International Journal | Q | 160 | Journal of Data Mining and Management | TA |
125 | South Asian Journal of Management | Q | 161 | Journal of information Technology Technoogy and Science | TA |
126 | Digit | M | 162 | Journal of VLSI Design and Signal Processing | TA |
127 | Science Reporter | M | 163 | Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Software Testing | TA |
128 | PC Quest | M | 164 | Journal of Web Development and Web Designing | TA |
129 | Electronics for u | M | 165 | Journal of Andriod and IOS Applications and Testing | TA |
130 | Front Line | M |
S.No | Name of the Magazine |
1 | Out Look |
2 | The Week |
3 | Sports Star |
4 | India Today |
5 | Employment News |
6 | Business Today |
7 | Business India |
8 | Business World |
9 | Front Line |
10 | Readers Digest |
11 | Junior Science Refresher |
12 | Competition Refresher |
13 | WOW Hyderabad |
14 | Mathematics Today |
15 | Chemistry Today |
16 | Physics For you |
17 | Biology Today |
18 | Career Chronicle |
19 | Engineering Success Review |
20 | Telugu Vidhyardhi |
21 | Sri Ramakrishna Prabha |
22 | Master in Current Affairs |
23 | Udyogasopanam |
24 | Out Look Business |
25 | Out Look Money |
26 | Pratiyigita Darpan |
27 | Pratiyogita Kiran |
28 | Shine India |
29 | DRDO Newsletter |
30 | Technology Focus |
31 | Economic &Political Weekly |
32 | The Global Analyst |
33 | The Management Accountant |
34 | Indian Society for Technical Education |
35 | Vijetha Compitation |
36 | Vivek |
37 | Corporate Citizen |
38 | New India Samachar |
39 | IEEE Spectrum |
40 | IETE News Letter |
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