conducting Job Training Programme session for MBA courses
At TKR college of Engineering and Technology (T-406)
13th November 2019
By Venkata Sukesh D Manager – Client Relations Sainfoin Global Services Pvt. Ltd. (O): 040 48582435 (M): +91 – 9652204422 E-mail:
A One day seminar
Career Opportunities for MBA Students
At TKR Educational society
05th November 2019
By Mr. Praveen Kumar Chartered Account, Freelance Trainer
Mr. Praveen Kumar is an eminent person who has a past experience of 25 years in the field of management education chartered accountant by profession, who provides training on career Opportunities for MBA students where students gained knowledge on how the job opportunities after MBA, students and faculty of MBA I and II years of TKRCET(Autonomus), TKRIMS, TKREC attended the programme.