
Professor & Head of the Department
Email Id :- eee@tkrcet.com
Dr. K. RAJU received B. Tech. in Electrical Engineering from JNTU University, Hyderabad, in 2007, M. Tech. in Electrical power Engineering from JNTU University, College of Engineering Hyderabad, in 2011 and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India in 2018. He has 25 research publications in International/ National journals / conferences to his credit. He has guided 12 M. Tech students and 2 students are under progress. He is life member of Institution Engineers (India) & Life Member of ISTE. He has received best research paper award in International Conferences by TKREC. Currently he is Professor of Electrical & Electronics Engineering. His research interest includes Soft computing applications to evaluation of Power system Reliability, Smart Grid Technology, FACTS, Intelligent Power System Planning and Optimization. He received Ph. D Guideship from JNTUH R&D, Hyderabad.
About the Department:
The Department of Electrical Engineering, established in 2002, initially offered a B. Tech program in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. To diversify and provide industry-oriented training at the postgraduate level, the department introduced M. Tech courses in Power Electronics in 2010. Currently, research efforts are focused on various areas within Electrical Engineering, such as Power Systems, Power Electronics and Drives, Power Converters, High Voltage Engineering, Control Systems, Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Renewable Energy Resources, Electric Vehicles, and software tools like ETAP, MATLAB, Ansys, and Python.
The department has a dedicated team of twenty regular faculty members who are highly experienced and actively engaged in research. It is also well-equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and supported by qualified technical staff. Additionally, the department’s undergraduate programme is accredited by the NBA, tier-II up to 2022.