Professor & Head of the Department
Email Id :- eee@tkrcet.com
- To produce world-class engineers for converting global challenges into opportunities through Value Embedded Quality Technical Education in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
- To develop this Department as an Academy of Higher Learning to meet the rapidly changing Technical as well as Industrial requirements through continuous updating of curriculum, research and development facilities as required.
- To impart quality education in the areas of Electrical and Electronic Engineering for enhancing the opportunities for employment, higher education and research there by contributing to socioeconomic development of the State and the Nation at large.
- To maintain a positive academic environment that promotes excellence in learning and research through constructive interaction among students, faculty, Academia and Industry.
- To excel in imparting domain specific technical education through effective Teaching-Learning process , nurturing research, creativity and critical thinking in applying engineering skills to face the fast growing global challenges and opportunities.
Our graduates have attained the following outcomes:
- an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering,
- an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data,
- an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic, constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability,
- an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams,
- an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems,
- an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility,
- an ability to communicate effectively,
- the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context,
- a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning,
- a knowledge of contemporary issues, and
- an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice,
- knowledge of principles of operation, design, performance and testing of static and dynamic rotating machines and power electronics based Electric Drives.
knowledge of analysis, operation, control, protection, and simulation of electrical power systems for generation (hydro, thermal, nuclear and new & renewable sources of energy) , transmission, distribution and utilization.
- Core Competence: With a strong foundation in basics Sciences & Mathematical Tools, our graduates will have careers in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, or be employable in a related career path, with focus on the areas of Electrical Machines, Power Systems, Control Systems, Power Electronics & Automation, Computational Skills, related software tools, and new & renewable sources for energy sustainability.
- Engineering Application of Domain Knowledge: Our graduates will apply their knowledge – base and skills acquired to solve real life engineering problems with orientation on industrial sector.
- Life – Long Learning in Core and Multi Disciplinary Areas: Our graduates will continue to develop their skills and seek knowledge after graduation in order to adapt to advancing technology and the needs of society & industry. This may be indicated by the graduate’s pursuit of an advanced degree or other formal instruction, and / or that the graduate has developed a professional specialty. Also, our students will actively explore the possibility for taking up entrepreneurship initiatives.
- Professionalism and Research Culture: Our graduates will have the necessary professional skills, such as high ethical standards, effective oral and written communication, and team building activities, to be engineers with expertise and to progress in their professional endeavors. Also, our students will develop attitude towards research and innovation.